Dear spectator, have you ever met a dragon? If not, you should immediately book a ticket and enjoy the Rock Fantasy Musical “Lizard Boy” which was praised by critics as Justin Huertas’ latest masterpiece. This award-winning playwright, composer, lyricist and actor describes his superhero story as a “quirky and emotional comic book.” We agree.
Dragon Blood
Have you ever heard of Mount St. Helen’s? Believe it or not, there exists a real volcano in Washington DC which erupts from time to time spewing ashes and occasionally a real dragon. When it erupted last time, Trevor a boy from Seattle, was nearby and saw the beast emerging. He was unable to move since its monstrous appearance paralysed him. Soldiers were on the spot immediately and killed the dragon. But its blood splattered on Trevor covering his skin with green scales which made him look like a lizard. Bad luck for him. Which human being, man or woman, identifies with someone looking like a reptile? Trevor, a gay coloured youngster with an Asian background, feels even more insecure and alone than before the incident. Is he a paria?
Hey, do you want do meet me?
Good for Trevor that he doesn’t panic but tries to find friends on the internet. Here he meets Cary, a song writer like himself, who has only recently moved to Seattle. Trevor is not sure whether or not to date his new acquaintance who has invited him to his home. While hesitating, Trevor sings this song to himself: “What do you say? What do you want? You wanna let something happen today…But then not you wanna stay inside this room where you’ve been . You wanna begin.”
Siren, the Girl of your Dreams

In the Crocodile Club where they are just celebrating the lizard festival – everybody wearing lizard-like costumes – both friends meet Siren, an attractive mysterious blonde who performs on the stage. She is not only a fascinating singer and pianist, but possesses supernatural powers. While talking to each other Trevor and Siren discover that they have something in common besides their passion for song writing. Since both were involved in the volcano incident on Mount Helen’s Siren believes that they have supernatural powers. In addition Siren is sure that hundreds of dragons will soon destroy the city as a revenge for the single dragon that was once killed by soldiers. When Trevor refuses to help Siren to kill the dragons, the “girl of his dreams” turns furious and tries to stop him with her Siren Song. However, it doesn’t work due to Trevor’s own supernatural powers.
An Invasion of Dragons
In the end Siren’s fears become true that an army of dragons will invade the city in not too distant a future. One day Trevor and Cary hear growls and the flapping of heavy wings. No doubt, the dragons are arriving. Cary wants to flee but is stopped by Trevor. One of the monsters lands just in front of him. He is sure that the dragon does not intend to kill him. On the contrary, this one has obviously come to greet a relative instead. All of a sudden gigantic wings have grown on Trevor’s back. Surprise, surprise! A lizard finally turned into a dragon. Blackout.
What’s behind this intriguing story?
The fascination for dragons and other monsters is as old as mankind. Just think of Nordic heroes such as Siegfried who killed a dragon, bathed in its blood and gained supernatural powers. Or take Saint George, the noble knight, who fought a gigantic dragon. Today’s heroes are Catwoman, Batman and Spiderman who fascinate not only young people.
What a brilliant idea to offer Dustin Huertas’ Rock Fantasy Musical “Lizard Boy” to the audience of the English Theatre of Hamburg. The credit for this outstanding performance goes to director Paul Glaser and his crew of three highly talented actors who at the same time are great singers. All of them – Peter Tabornal as Trevor, Jacob Bedford playing the part of Cary and Sophie Earl as Siren also play a number of instruments such as the piano, guitar, ukulele and cello. Chapeau!
Many many thanks and come again.
Last performance of “Lizard Boy” on June 22, 2024. Tickets under telephone number 040 – 227 70 89 or online under www.englishtheatre.de
Notice: The next premiere after the summer break is not yet known to us. We shall keep you posted in due time.