Magic of the Paint-Brush

By Wöhlke/ Witka und Dr. László Kova

Die Ausstellung in Nikosia

„Magic of the Paint-Brush“ Fine Art Exhibition of  Witka and Dr. László Kova

It is something special when a married couple is doing the same by profession. About 30 years ago they met accidently in Hamburg/Germany: She came from Masuria/Poland and he had migrated from Budapest/Hungary. Both of them love the nature. With paint-brushes and palettes they travel the world and capture their impressions in colors. Galleries in Europe, the USA and Australia exhibit their works of art frequently.

She, Witka Kova, prefers water colors, he, Dr. László Kova, mostly works with oil on canvas. In spring time, they feel an inner unrest like birds of passage: They need to go out to faraway places, where they open themselves to nature´s magic in all weathers and  let their experiences talk through the visual language of paintings.

The Goethe-Institute Nicosia (21 Markou Drakou, 1513 Nicosia, Cyprus) exhibits 35 paintings of Witka and Dr. László Kova from 13.-18. May 2013.