The English theatre of Hamburg


By Uta Buhr
“Deadly Game”

Crime time at the English Theatre of Hamburg!

In the lobby the spectators are 98780009029878001302greeted by a poster warning them not to catch a fright when confronted with the notorious
“smoking gun.” The explosion during the first act is indeed very impressive, the more so as one of the actors is shot dead and is lying in a pool of blood on the shining floor of Camille Dargus’s elegant Manhattan apartment. Come to that, this “youngish” lady is a famous jewelry designer with a preference for one-night-stands with attractive very young men. The night before, she had invited Billy, a handsome waiter, into her house. 9879001603Nothing unusual so far. However, when she wanted to get rid of him in the morning, he refused9879002603
to leave and turned out to be a  blackmailer who filmed their intimacies in her bedroom. Instead of getting hysterical, Camille kept a cool head und instantly called her security guard Ted to throw her unwelcome visitor out of her flat. From now on this very intricate story gains momentum.  It is very essential to listen very closely to every word exchanged between the actors on stage. Is Billy really dead and which role does the beefy Ted play in this murderous game? What happened to Camille’s rich husband who left her a fortune after his death? And what finally became of that mysterious son of hers? Continue reading „The English theatre of Hamburg“

The English Theatre Of Hamburg: Deadly Game

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Von Uta Buhr

Ohne sein English Theatre wäre Hamburg um eine Attraktion ärmer! Das ist die einhellige Meinung all derer, denen die Bühne an der Mundsburg seit langem ans Herz gewachsen ist. Seit nunmehr einunddreissig Jahren treten hier erfahrene Schauspieler aus dem englischsprachigen Raum in einer Vielzahl von Theaterstücken auf. Das Répertoire reicht von Ayckbourn über Pinter bis hin zu Shakespeare. Auch launige Komödien von so unterschiedlichen Autoren wie Oscar Wilde und Neil Simon stehen auf dem Spielplan. In der Pause trifft ein kunterbuntes Völkchen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten in dem mit vergoldeten Spiegeln geschmückten Foyer des Theaters zusammen. Manch prominenter Besucher wird hier gesichtet, u.a. ein ehemaliger Minister nebst Ehefrau, beide langjährige Fans des English Theatre. Continue reading „The English Theatre Of Hamburg: Deadly Game“